Advantages and disadvantages of 16 inch and 17 inch wheels

I believe that for many prospective car owners, when choosing a vehicle style, they will find that many high-end models use 17 inch wheels; while for low-end models, the wheels used are 16 inches. So how should we choose the 16-inch and 17 inch wheels, and what are their advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages and disadvantages of 16 inch and 17 inch wheels


Compared with the 17 inch wheel, the 16 inch wheel has a smaller mass and less material, and the corresponding cost and cost will be lower; while the 17 inch wheel has a larger size and is generally equipped on high-end models, so its Prices will be higher.

Fuel consumption:

Generally speaking, the tire width suitable for 16 inch wheels will be narrower, and the tires with narrow tire width will have a smaller contact area with the ground, and the corresponding fuel consumption will be reduced; on the contrary, 17-inch wheels will be equipped with wider treads. tires, and tires with wider treads will have greater rolling resistance, correspondingly, it will also increase the fuel consumption of the vehicle.

Visual look and feel:

The size of the 17-inch wheel is larger, which can better highlight the temperament of the vehicle; while the size of the 6-inch wheel is smaller, and its overall visual appearance will be slightly stingy.


Since the tires fitted with 16 inch wheels have a narrower tire width and a higher flat ratio, their handling will also be weakened accordingly; while the tires fitted with 17 inch wheels are correspondingly wider than 16-inch tires and have a higher flat ratio. Lower, so its ability to feedback road information and deal with roll is stronger, all in all, the handling is better.

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